Spoken Rule, Had to

Spoken Rule, Had to

Do you want to improve your English
skill? There are a lot of resources to learn English around the net. In this
section i will share with you important English rule. So, let’s have a look.

Had to- তেই হয়েছিল

Structure: Sub+ had to+ verb (present
form) + ext.


আমাকে মিটিংয়ে উপস্থিত থাকতেই হয়েছিল

I had to attend the meeting.

তাকে ঢাকাতে পৌছাতেই হয়েছিল

He had to reach Dhaka.

মনিরকে আর্থিক সাহায্যটি নিতেই হয়েছিল

Monir had to take the financial help.

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